Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2025
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Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching Job Announcement & Interview Notification By Faculty Tick - 23 February 2025
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor at Manipal Centre for European StudiesApplications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post.
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Manipal Institute of Technology Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty and Research Faculty...
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Teaching Faculty and Research Faculty post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Teaching Faculty and Research Faculty post
Manipur University invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Guest Faculty posts (Manipur Institute of Technology)
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty post
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty post
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Patna Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Associate Professor / Assistant Professor /Senior
Academic Assistant / Visiting Faculties post
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Associate Professor / Assistant Professor /Senior
Academic Assistant / Visiting Faculties post
Gujarat University Institute of Indic Studies Advertisement for Assistant Professor / Research Fellow / Research Assistant Positions at IKS
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor / Research Fellow / Research
Assistant post
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor / Research Fellow / Research
Assistant post
Lovely Professional University is inviting qualified individuals to attend a walk-in interview for the available teaching faculty positions
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty and Director positions
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Director/ Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant
Professor post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Director/ Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant
Professor post
Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya invites applications for the prestigious position of Airbus – Chair Professor in Aviation
Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya
(Formerly -National Rail & Transportation Institute) Online
applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant
work experience for recruitment to the Airbus – Chair Professor in
Aviation post
Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya
(Formerly -National Rail & Transportation Institute) Online
applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant
work experience for recruitment to the Airbus – Chair Professor in
Aviation post
Lakshmibai College (University of Delhi) Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for permanent appointment to the post of Assistant Professor
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology & Research (Deemed to be University) Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions in...
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research Bangalore Off Campus Centre Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Dean and Teaching...
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Dean /Professors/Associate Professors / Assistant
Professors post
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Dean /Professors/Associate Professors / Assistant
Professors post
Dev Sangha Institute of Professional Studies and Educational Research Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions
Dev Sangha Institute of
Professional Studies and Educational Research (DIPSER) Online
applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant
work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professors post
Dev Sangha Institute of
Professional Studies and Educational Research (DIPSER) Online
applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant
work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professors post
Central University of Karnataka Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty and Junior Engineer positions (Rolling Advertisement 19/02/2025)
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions in the AIDE
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor Grade-I/II post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor Grade-I/II post
Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering (Autonomous) Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Assistant Professor positions
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Assistant Professor and Associate Professor positions
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor /Assistant Professor
Applications are invited for
the following Teaching faculty positions from eligible candidates at
the level of Professor /Assistant Professor
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University Invites to Attend walk in Interviews for the post of Teaching Faculty and Non Teaching
Walk in Interview for the
following post Assistant Professor/ Lecturer/ Law Officer/ Assistant
Law Officer/ Junior Engineer / Garden Supervisor/ Laboratory
Walk in Interview for the
following post Assistant Professor/ Lecturer/ Law Officer/ Assistant
Law Officer/ Junior Engineer / Garden Supervisor/ Laboratory
Kendriya Vidyalaya Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar Walk-In-Interview For Contractual Teachers (Session 2025-26)
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Trained Graduate Teachers/ Primary Teacher post
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Trained Graduate Teachers/ Primary Teacher post
Mahatma Gandhi University Walk in interview for the selection of Assistant Professor on Contract Faculty
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor on Contract Faculty post
Applications are invited
from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor on Contract Faculty post
Dr. Ambedkar Center of Excellence (DACE) at Central University of Rajasthan funded by the Ministry of Social Empowerment, Government of India requires Faculty Resource...
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Faculty Resource Persons post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Faculty Resource Persons post
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Tenure-Track Faculty Positions
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Tenure-Track Faculty Positions
Atal Bihari Vajpayee- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Kancheepuram Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Teaching Faculty positions
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
National Institute of Technology Srinagar Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following Temporary Faculty positions
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Temporary Faculty post
Online applications are
invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for
recruitment to the Temporary Faculty post
Faculty Tick is the #1 relegates to find faculty jobs and careers. Our site is dedicated to assist professors and instructors succeed in their hunt for college and university faculty employment. Each day our meticulousness-leading site helps faculty job seekers find extremely sought after faculty positions including tenure-track professor jobs, appendage Teaching faculty jobs, university faculty Jobs, Government Job and community college faculty jobs.
Faculty Tick is the #1 relegates to find faculty jobs and careers. Teaching Faculty Job (Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor/Lecturer/Teacher), Research Job and Non Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2025
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